BTS Fans Think Suga Might Drop a New Agust D Album Soon

Fans of BTS believe that member Suga will be dropping a new album, titled as August D2 will be coming soon.
This is interesting as it's an example of Teen Vogue trying to stay relevant by keeping up with a trend amongst young viewers. BTS and KPOP, in general, has made a name in the music industry worldwide and the Teen Vogue news article is a clear sign that it has made a lasting hit. Seeing that Teen Vogue prides itself in its ability to resonate with the youth, writing and publishing an article about a band that's popular with the youth makes sense. Teen Vogue also uses the hype around BTS and its members to drive traffic to the article.
Women In Japan Are Speaking Up About Not Being Allowed to Wear Glasses at Work

There has been a recent uproar in Japan revolving around glasses. These strict restrictions are being openly condemned by employees and media outlets alike.
This article is quite short. What it is about is the open condemnation of Japanese businesses choosing strict rules when it comes to what women can wear is unfair considering that men do not have the same restriction. Teen Vogue wants to be seen as a global company that can cover international stories, this adds not only legitimacy but also plays into their image of being all-inclusive.
Yes, Women of Color Support Bernie Sanders. It’s Time to Stop Erasing Our Voices.
An op-ed piece by Linda Sarsour talking about why women of colour should vote for Bernie Sanders
The political side of Teen Vogue comes out with this article. Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian woman speaking about the reasons why women of color should vote for Bernie Sanders and why his policies are beneficial. This article is a clear example of Teen Vogues left-wing tendencies portraying clear favor towards Bernie Sanders, a predominately left-wing candidate.
The title of the article is quite self-explanatory.
The article goes back to Teen Vogues' roots of celebrity gossip. Keeping in line with their fashion and celebrity news, they cover the "news" that Bella Thorne decided to change her hair colour. Bella Thorne may have a significant amount of young fans who are influenced or like to keep up with Bella, this makes have an article focusing on her is a smart move as it keeps Teen Vogue relevant
The Voice
Grenfell Tower: Man who claimed he helped people escape fire jailed for fraud

Alvin Thompson claimed he was sleeping rough in the Grenfel building and helped usher people out during the fire, he also claimed that he had PTSD from the whole experience resulting in the government giving Alvin Thompson over £90,000 in compensation in the form of a financial aid and accommodation in both a hotel and private accommodation, this has since been debunked and he now faces 5 years and 4 months in prison.
The Stormzy effect continues: Voter registration increases 236% per cent

The story is quite self explained. After Stormy tweeted out the importance of voting, young voters increased by 236%, this shows the growing influence of celebrities on younger populations. He also had some words about Borris Johnson “I also believe it is criminally dangerous to give the most powerful role in the country to a man who has said that the sight of a ‘bunch of black kids’ makes him ‘turn a hair’, compared women in burqas to letterboxes and referred to black people as ‘piccaninnies’ with ‘watermelon smiles’,”
‘It’s ridiculous’: Viola Davis blasts Hollywood for considering Julia Roberts for Tubman role

It was revealed that Julia Robbert was considered for a Harriet Tubman in the 90's, clearly ridiculous, Davis had this to say "It happens all of the time. Here’s the thing, simply put Julia Roberts as Harriet Tubman is ridiculous. That barely warrants a response. That’s ridiculous."
No UCU, people can’t just identify as black
Blackness is not something that can be switched on or off. It's a biological trait passed down from parent to child. It’s ancestral, deep-rooted and not something you can just assume

The article in essence is a critique of what The Universities and Colleges Union stated regarding race and identification, the statement was “Our rules commit us to ending all forms of discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping. UCU has a long history of enabling members to self-identify whether that is being black, disabled, LGBT+ or women.” and “UCU also supports a social, rather than medical, model of gender recognition that will help challenge repressive gender stereotypes in the workplace and in society.” The statement by the union is absurd and quite confusing and the author of the article highlights this
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