Friday, July 5, 2019

Magazines: Oh Comely - Audience

1) How does Oh Comely introduce itself?

Oh Comely introduces itself as a niche women centred artistic magazine about expression and identity  
2) How do the print circulation/readership statistics for Oh Comely compare to Men's Health?

Compared to men's health the readership is tiny, where Men's Health averages out to a million readers, Oh Comely averages out to 100,000
3) How is Oh Comely distributed to the audience? 

Oh Comely can be bought by a subscription, or they can be found through WHSmith and other international outlets 
4) What do you think the target audience demographics for Oh Comely might be? Some details are provided by the magazine (e.g. average age 27) but make an educated guess on further demographic details.

Other than the age it's quite obvious that the target audience is women; whether or not it is aimed at a strictly white audience is up for debate due to the nature of what defines "white content" is very subjective (that along with the fact that the magazine takes extra emphasis on the idea of being inclusive. 

5) What psychographic groups might be attracted to Oh Comely?

The magazine explorers and talks about issues not generally found in mainstream magazines
Reformers tend to be more socially aware compared to other groups, and also tend to be artistic

6) What social class classification would you expect most Oh Comely readers to be? Why?

middle to higher middle class readers due to the audience being educated (in general Middle and higher middle tend to be more educated than lower)

7) What level of education would you expect for most Oh Comely readers? Why?

Mostly degree level due to the nature of the content in the magazine (identity, expression, soft skills etc) 
8) What audience pleasures are offered by Oh Comely?

The main audience pleasures that are offered by Oh Comely include Personal identity, diversion and surveillance 

9) It has been suggested Oh Comely is a “magazine about people, their quirks and creativity rather than money and what it can buy”. How does the design and advertising content of Oh Comely support this view?

I believe its slightly contradicting due to its price, but overall I do believe that Oh Comely is following that idea due to their unorthodox designs and choices of advertising. Instead of following typical conventions of magazine they're following more creative niche ones along with having smaller lesser known brands to advertise in their magazine 

10) Why do you think Oh Comely has been able to build a loyal audience of subscribers in the eight years since it launched? Think about audience demand, rival magazines and the overall media landscape in the digital age.

Any good creative magazine will be able to build a loyal fanbase due their aesthetic, if an artistic consumer finds a magazine that they like the look of, they will actively pursue that magazine; something that will eventually build a loyal fanbase

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