You make some outstanding points in this exam... The two essay question responses were a joy to read. However, I also think there are some very useful lessons from this exam...
Firstly the essays will almost always ask you "how far.." or "to what extent" This means you can argue against it! E.g. You could say Capital does not reflect the global industry but dies reflect the UK TV industry (PSB - BBC remit show diversity etc)
Written English (e.g apostrophe)
Don't get theorists names wrong
Read the question! Q2 probably costs you the A grade
2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best learning you can do all year as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:
Q1 additional point/theory:
Binary opposition
Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference:
Anything relevant to Maybelline e.g.:
• Reflects gender fluidity in modern culture (Gelfer – stage 3/4 masculinity)
• Changes in culture/society are reflected in That Boss Life advert – gay marriage, LGTB
movement, equal rights etc.
Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference:
bell hooks: “normalised traumatisation” – bell hooks would suggest media products such as
the Score hair cream advert help create a corrosive, toxic hypermasculinity that damages
both women and men.
3) The final question in Section A was a 20-mark essay that required an extended response containing a coherent argument. Using the suggested content in the mark scheme, write an essay plan containing five paragraphs/points that answer the music video and postmodernism question.
- Explain post modernism, give basic opinion (developed more later)
Para 1:
- Billie Jean, Mise en scene, pastiche, intertextuality references in BJ
- What this would mean
- State that this is a postmodern text
Para 2:
- Common, brief explanation of the text + its background
- Comments about how it is postmodern
- Pastiche on black culture
- Bricolage on old and new black opinion of the public
- Hyper reality- Black square
Para 3:
- mention how its not a post modern product
- Previous points may have been a stretch
- Not a traditionally postmodern text
- Does however subvert goodwins theory of music video conventions
- Types of shots
- colouring of the shots etc
Para 4:
- Brief discussion about the two texts
- brief discussion on what it means to be a postmodern text
Para 5:
- Conclusion
- final opinion
- Yes they are postmodern, but to their own different extents
4) Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):
Two benefits of vertical integration:
Cheaper production
Definition of diversification:
Diversification is the process of entering a brand new market that may not have anything to do with the original product e.g Hearst beginning to make TV shows
5) Question 8 (TV industry) was arguably the hardest question on the exam. Write a new paragraph that answers the question referring to either Capital or Deutschland 83 and the global TV industry. Use the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.
Unlike D83, where the changing global nature of television is clearly shown through not only its production but the story, actors, setting, mise en scene; Capital tackles globalisation in its production by reflecting the growing diverse population within London e.g. large majority of the main characters in the show are of POC backgrounds. This the main difference between the two shows, the methods in which it tackles the same issue, both doing it efficiently but in their own ways. While D83 may quite literally show multiple locations set in different areas, or having a narrative that is tightly entwined with international affairs; Capital, on the other hand, will have subtle examples of the effect immigration has had on London (can be seen with the conversations had with main characters in the show along with mannerisms). Overall it can be seen that both shows offer a take on the globalisation, although admittedly, D83 does so far more obviously than Captial
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